Alice in Chains: Interviews


17 comments   |   Alice in Chains, Featured, Videos

Sean and Jerry interview.. the most I’ve ever seen Sean talk seriously..without joking and I really liked how honest and real he was. Same with Jerry.

Then you look back on this video… LOL!

The interviewer was a total idiot and you could tell they obviously thought so… Layne and Mike the comedians.. Sean playing the drums on the table and making paper planes.. Jerry trying to reign in his bandmates now and then and even answer a question seriously every once in a while. Haha! Just a really A-Typical AIC interview.

Miss those guys… so much!!

  1. Anonymous10-20-21

    It is rather strange that there is no section on Jerry Cantrell, who was a founding member of the band. This website is not complete with a section on him. As for personal dislike of anyone, that is an irrelevant matter. If this website is supposed to be respectful towards Layne Staley, it is strange that it contains and features excerpts from a book that is unverified and inaccurate.

  2. Didi06-28-15

    Barbara I read you didn’t like Jerry: would you mind elaborate this? I read here and there that he was a douche when he was younger. I hope you’ll read this and thanks for this blog, I have enjoyed every line has been wrote.

    • MH06-28-15

      Didi she commented a few times about that and maybe he was then and maybe he is now. Does it really matter? Why focus on a negative that can do no good? Do you think Layne or Demri would? I don’t it’s a bit moot at this point what Jerry was like in the 90’s I can tell you I am vastly different than the man I was then. Life and its experiences has a tendency to change a person to temper what they were.

      • Admin08-21-19

        GREAT ANSWER! Jerry was stuck up towards me and pretty much most people back then BUT… I was also probably a pretty annoying little 19 year old kid too. Who he thought of at first as “Just another girl Mike was hanging around”. until I kept coming around and it became obvious Mike actually cared about me but I definitely dont hold how he treated my 19 year old self against him today. Alot changes in a person after 26 years. Haha!

  3. dreamer10208810-05-14

    It’s not cool really because it almost seems like the other guys were mocking Layne (especially Jerry).

  4. graham04-02-14

    hey barbara u have anything planned for laynes anniversary of death? on april 15th or should i say unofficially he died on april 5th supposedly a connection to kurt cobain death on the 5th but i came across a really cool interview of alice in chains on rockline actually its the last one with Layne Staley this is the link
    anyway take care peace

    • dreamer10208810-05-14

      It isn’t cool really because it almost seems like the other guys were mocking Layne (especially Jerry).

  5. Todd03-27-14

    The second interview is really telling. I have seen it before, but I only paid attention to the things that pop out. The moronic interviewer, the band’s humor etc… What’s really neat to see is their reaction to the “did you see this is a way to make money?” question. Same thing Dave Grohl said while giving a “looking back” answer. To paraphrase: “You could have told any one of us that we were going to become well known all over the world a year before we became well known all over the world and we would have laughed at you. All we wanted to do was to be a part of the Seattle music scene during that period of time.”

  6. graham02-15-14

    hi barbara btw have u seen the other videos of headbangers ball cause rick rachtman is a bit of a dick/asshole to layne saying stuff life “u really smell” he evened repeated the remark a second time to laynes annoyed reponse “No i don’t” also asked about heroin use which layne was trying to avoid like the plague cause he didnt want it to cause a uproar with his label i imagine but just curious if u seen that one, its not the waterpark one, they are in new orleans this time. peace

  7. Casey06-09-13

    Such a great site, it’s awesome to read these unique stories from friends that were there when everything was going down. Kind of an offhanded question but I’m curious to know more about Layne’s spirituality. I know he was against the hypocrisy of the church, which he made evident in his songs but was he a Christian? Duality and symbolism in songs and videos gave me the impression he was. Just curious and would appreciate any insight!

  8. Casey06-09-13

    Such a great site, it’s awesome to read these unique stories from friends that were there when everything was going down. Kind of an offhanded question but I’m curious to know more about Layne’s spirituality. I know he was against the hypocrisy of the church, which he made evident in his songs but was he a Christian? Duality and symbolism in songs and videos gave me the impression he was. Hope you can comment on this just curious and would appreciate any insight!

  9. Nate06-07-13

    I just wanted to thank you guys for creating this site. For…for a long time, I thought my love of Layne Staley might have been a little bit weird, considering I’d never met him. Now, I see that there are plenty of other people that feel the same way I do on here. It seems like his fans are just as beautiful as he is.

    Thank you!

  10. jeff05-15-13

    seriously funny and good video…It’s hard to imagine it has been so long

  11. Ela05-11-13

    Dear Barbara,

    First and foremost, thank you so much for an effort of creating this beyond beautiful site, I can literally feel the overwhelming outpour of love from every single word you have written so far in rememberance of your friends. I would like to dedicate this poem to everybody who has ever lost a loved one, it’s form my country, hope you like it 🙂

    With all my love from the bottom of my heart and from the other side of the world 🙂


    Let Us Hurry

    Let us hurry to love people they depart so quickly
    the shoes remain empty and the phone rings on
    what’s unimportant drags on like a cow
    the meaningful sudden takes us by surprise
    the silence that follows so normal it’s unbearable
    like chastity born most simply from despair
    when we think of someone who’s been taken from us.

    Don’t be sure you have time for there’s no assurance
    as all good fortune security deadens the senses
    it comes simultaneously like pathos and humor
    like two passions not as strong as one
    they leave fast grow silent like a thrush in July
    like a sound somewhat clumsy or a polite bow
    to truly see they close their eyes
    though to be born is more of risk than to die
    we love still too little and always too late.

    Don’t write of it too often but write once and for all
    and you’ll become like dolphin both gentle and strong.

    Let us hurry to love people they depart so quickly
    and the ones who don’t leave won’t always return
    and you never know while speaking of love
    if the first one is last or the last one first.

    — Jan Twardowski, Polish poet (1915-2006)

  12. g-man05-05-13

    God I love that Bohemia Afterdark interview, Mike and Layne where hilarious, Sean too. Jerry was a little Supervisor like in this one.

  13. Keith05-02-13

    Hey Barbara. I stumbled onto this web sight today. There’s a bunch of pic’s of Layne and Dem. You should chrck it out when you have some spare time.

  14. Chris04-30-13

    I miss them too… I miss the 90’s as well. I grew up during the 90’s and they were the best years. Greatest bands ever. I always wonder what the interview would be like if mike starr and layne kicked the habit and were still alive. Funny guys.

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