Pictures dug up from the past..



I was pleasantly surprised to find these pictures online and was even more surprised to see my best friend Rosheen is also in the pictures with Demri. Rosheen passed away 6 months after Demri.


To view the rest of this set please visit the photographers account.










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  1. Lina Maria Grimm (Lewis/Moscarella)04-22-22

    There used to be a picture of me with Judge Neufeld (long since retired) the day I graduated Drug Court in 1997, that would come up with all these other pics of Layne and Demri and Rosheen. I found that oddly comforting, not because I’m just some fan wanting attention,but because it tied me to a part of my life that is significant an has been blurry an confusing for me. Rosheen and I spent almost every day of that yr before her death together,I loved her dearly, (enough to give my first daughter her middle name, Cassidy Nicole Grimm, in her memory) We met in drug court a little more than a year before my graduation. We spent many days working in the meals on wheels in grants pass Oregon doing our community service hours, her company made the time fly. We had dreams of running away together in her orange VW bug, when we graduated the yr long drug court program, we would often spend nights into the morning talking of dreams and plans. She often spoke of Layne and Demri and life in Seattle..(she talked of it more whenever I’d sing or write music, she was such a brat sometimes 😉 )I remember feeling like a lost puppy and also a bodyguard around her constantly, Wich is funny now looking back on my too crazy to believe life. I was bartending back then and she convinced me to leave town with her to go see an meet her friends in Berkeley,Ca. (Without permission from our P.o.s) she was supposed to wait for me to get of work that night and I had a bag packed so we could just go (also without my boyfriend’s, who later became my husband permission, she made it perfectly normal to things like that 🙂 ) I was so worried when she stopped answering her phone that evening, I thought something bad happened,or she was arrested, turned out she just left without me to go to Calli alone. It was 3 days later I found out she overdosed in someone’s bedroom in Berkeley, were they gave her a speedball an let her go to bed ALONE. As can be imagined, I blamed myself for not being with her, not protecting her..but I know she did what she wanted. She was incredibly stubborn, (maybe more stubborn than me.) I miss her everyday. For many months I kept thinking I saw her orange bug around town, I thought maybe she was playing a joke on me..I kept waiting for the phone to ring with her number..but it never did.. I even held a couple of siances trying to get information on her death to make it make sense..(it didn’t work) Her death has always been weird and tramatizing to me…i loved her and STILL miss her! I just had to write something. On a side note; Heroin is a horrible drug!!! I HATE it with everything I am and it has robbed me of too many extremely special people!!! Maybe someone wants to go with me to find some labs to blow up??! ( I Kno Roey would have been down ;p )

    • Ana05-04-22

      Thank you so much, Lina, for sharing your memories with us ❤️ And I’m sorry about your loss.

  2. F.L03-06-22

    You wrote so much about Demri and almost nothing about Rosheen. What was she like, what connected her with Demri, what was she interested in? I’d love to know more about Rosheen. Thank you in advance Barbara ❤️

  3. erika09-02-17

    I want to thank you so much Barbara. I visit this website often and love to read and look at beautiful pictures of the lovely demri. i can still feel her soft spirit radiate through the photos. i look to demri as an inspiration; she was truly her own person and i praise her greatly for that. we are blessed with the photos and times you had with her that you share with us, thank you so much <3

  4. Brian Davis09-04-16

    Oh yes Demri is such a great person! A junkie, dyke, whore who introduced Layne to herione. If there is a heaven she ain’t in it.

    • Tami09-17-16

      I don´t think that she put the needle in his arm. Courtney ruined Kurt, Yoko ruined John, Demri ruined Layne … that´s boring. These men were not ” Babys” and it´s shame to say, they have no responsibilty or control about their lifes.

    • frank06-29-17

      i bet that comment fits in your ass

    • theologos sideris09-15-18

      no man’s not like this ..when you choose to use the’s only your own choice…it’s life can choose this path or not..there’s no one to’s only upon you….so insulting someone it’s not the solution and i find it so disrespecteful…sry for my eng.

  5. Hannah Capps07-16-16

    Thank you for the lovely stories, pictures and memories. It’s appreasheated

  6. Brenda07-03-16

    So glad I came across this site! I’ve never met Layne, but have always been a fan of AIC. For the last few months he’s been on my mind alot. Thank you so much Barbara for creating this site and sharing the information, stories and pictures. It’s nice to get an insight on Layne the person, not just the lead singer of AIC.

  7. ty04-28-16

    I have always loved AIC’s music since 1994 when I first heard them. I recently discovered this website and were surprised how down to earth everyone was associated with AIC. Demri was a beautiful girl and seamed to live live to it’s fullest. I knew about Layne but not that much about Demri. Thanks for posting Barbara!

  8. mobile games04-14-14

    I like the valuable information you provide in your articles.
    I’ll bookmark your blog and check again here frequently.
    I am quite sure I’ll learn many new stuff right here!
    Good luck for the next!

  9. quedel.funpic.de06-10-13

    I do not drop many remarks, however i did a few searching and wound up here Pictures dug up from the past.

    . – And I do have 2 questions for you if it’s allright. Could it be just me or does it look like a few of these responses appear like coming from brain dead visitors? 😛 And, if you are writing on other sites, I would like to keep up with everything fresh you have to post. Would you list of all of your shared pages like your Facebook page, twitter feed, or linkedin profile?

  10. And03-22-13

    Every time I take a look at this age I cry. My ex boyfriend and I usually talked a lot about Layne and Dem. This page reminds me of him.

    • Barbara03-23-13

      Thank you for visiting the site.. I made this site as a healing process and it has been years and years now and it has helped me alot to read everyone’s comments and personal stories. So if your grieving someone I highly recommend writing. Thanx again for your comment and HUGS!

  11. Amber08-20-12

    Barbara, I just want to thank you for doing this website! I am a huge fan of Layne’s and Alice in Chains. As an addict myself, I have found comfort in Layne’s music for years. Although I never met him, I somehow feel as though we are kindred spirits together. Your website allows me to feel close to him. Thank you so much for keeping his memory alive. He was so much more than just a drug addict to so many people! Please continue to keep the memory alive!

  12. rk06-08-12

    I went to high school with Rosheen Raugi in Mission Viejo, CA in ’91/’92. We had a brief friendship, we used to smoke pot together and laugh a lot. I randomly Googled to see what had become of her after all these years, and I’m saddened to learn that she passed away of a heroin overdose so many years ago. She was a sweet and sensitive person.

    • Barbara Dearaujo06-09-12

      Well.. that is not possible. I went to highschool with Rosheen and she graduated in 92′ from Laguna Beach Highschool. Unless I’m crazy and I forgot she went to Mission Viejo for a short period of time or something..? I graduated in 90 and took off for Santa Barbara for a couple years .. But that still would make no sense.. her Mom had a house in Laguna so why would she go to Mission Viejo highschool? I don’t remember that at all. Maybe you have her mixed up with someone else?? I know her name is not common though so that would be weird too. I’d love to hear more about your story.

      • Lina08-11-14

        I only got one year wth her in Oregon. .her last year..the year she got clean. .we spent almost 24 hrs a day together for that year…was also in drug court wth her… (How we met.) Was supposed to go wth her to Berkley, Ca…Were she passed. .but always soo stubborn! 😉 I loved an still love her soo much! I hope her an Layne stopped werever ther at..she said they used to fight like brother an sister..So much love for ya Ro..♡ May happiness surround you…at least I don’t hav to beat any body up for u anymore! Lol. .although I would in a heartbeat. ;).♡♤♡♤♡♤♡♤♡♤♡♤♡♤♡♤♡♤♡♤♡♤♡

  13. Randi05-20-12

    Hey Barbara,

    I’ve emailed you before about stuff I have found on the web about Demri. However, I know you were also friends with Rosheen (above). I found this quote on a memorial site. It appears to be from her mom. It also mentions Demri and the fact that her brother also passed away? Do you have any information on that? The quote is below.

    My sweet angel……I continue your mission to help others, as you already know in spirit! I am the head of a mother’s support group for those who have lost children. Since Dem died, Kathleen has now lost Derek as well.She will be my right arm to expand our mother’s foundation!! I can’t believe it will be 6yrs on Jun 19th! It seems like 6 seconds since my heart was forever pierced when you left us!! You ARE my guiding force!! Come give Ma a hug……SOON!! I love when you visit me, and know how busy you are on the other side. I look forward to our reunion!!
    Forever yours,

    Tina Raugi-Kuespert
    Grants Pass, Oregon USA – Tue May 20 18:29:22 2003

    • Barbara Dearaujo05-20-12

      Thank you so much for sharing that. I tried to send her an email.. but the email just bounced back. I grew up with Tina.. she was like a second mother to me. BUT I took her daughter away from her when I left Laguna and I moved to Seattle and Rosheen followed me.. we were just kids 19-20 years old and then her daughter passed away shortly after.. so I can’t imagine that she would be too happy to hear from me now. I wish so bad I could find her though now that I’m almost 40 and I have kids of my own and just apologize to her but I can’t find her anywhere online. Thank you for trying to help though that means a lot. ~ Barbara

    • Lina08-11-14

      I saw this pic an bawled…I went to Chinook Park today…cause thts wer I can feel closest to Roe’ (Rosheen) I miss her EVERY DAY! Much lov to ALL fam an, friends. .I see her orange Volkswagen Bug ALLthe time! I MISS HER SO VERY MUCH! An on top of this..Robin Williams died today! TOO MUCH. :,(♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

  14. Mari04-27-11

    I read somewhere that Demri was bisexual.Is that true?

  15. nina10-22-09

    i love layne so much and miss his beautiful voice.

  16. nina10-22-09

    i absolutely love this website and the good well spirted people it surrounds.i really love layne and and the whole entire group for their dedication to the music that fuels the soul in good times and bad. i really hope people understand how drugs can effect yourself and those around you. i really wish layne were still here. thanks again for the hands and minds who made this website. i know this isnt alot to say bt it should be enough right?

  17. chris10-06-09

    It makes me so mad tha Layne had to leave us so soon! Just an absolute great talent. The best voice in rock ever. The new AIC album with Duvall is good, but to me its just not AIC without Layne.

  18. Olivia06-27-09

    Thank you for a lovely tribute and website. Everybody should wish for a friend such as yourself that would highlight the triumphs over the tribulations….hip hip! One thing I would like to correct is the pic w/ Layne in the tent…just so everyone knows, it is his sibling next to him and not Dem.
    Thanks again…

  19. Danny M06-23-09

    I am a big fan of layne Staley. I am a recovering heroin addict. I have been clean for 15 years. It alway's amazes me what we go through to get that rush. There is one thing that I have learned through the years and that is adiction is a disease just like anything else. I look back and am amazed at what I did to myself and the people that I love. I should have died maney times over, but someone was alway's looking out for me. Demri was a beautiful girl and Layne's voice was just so powerful and full of pain. It is sad what the end result was for both of them. People who comment on Layne and Demri just don't and never will understand what they went through unless they have been in there shoes. Love you web site. I would love to here more about them. Please email me if you can. Thank you for all you have done.

  20. Sonia06-20-09

    I just found this amazing site.I've been an AIC & Layne fan a long time,his voice and lyrics reflect alot of my own dark times and I think of him as a kindred spirit,I wish so much he was still with us.And now I am able to find out more about Demri,who was his one light in a world so dark.Their love is evident in these pics of them together,I especially like the one of them dancing.I have someone in my life whom I love the way Layne loved Demri and I live in fear of losing them(long story).Thank you for this site and for these pics & vids.

  21. amber06-13-09

    i have and still do listened to laynes words almost daily, there seemes to be a song for every mood.his voice has got me through good times and bad times.i've always been curious about the girl he so longingly sang of and when i finally had the pleasure of seeing and reading about her, i was in what i guess i could say shock when i realized how eirily similar we look, and her life is a mirror of mine. i just can't beleive it.for some reason, i cant help but to feel some sort of relief knowing that there was someone (atleast used to be) out there thats like me. i think we have the same kind of spirit and its a rare one to say the least.

  22. Carol02-03-09

    That picture of Demri with the cat is impressive… That smile is amazing.

    • Lea Nichols10-24-19

      That was laynes kitten & two other baby siamese cats born at the Seattle house my twisted sister (Mara Nichols) owned mom cat . (Demri) i first met in 1987 /88 i went to my smoking area of high school . Here she was 16 and three years more smiles big with red painted lips “HI , IM DEMRI”10th grade L.S.H.S. blue eyed stud . was her to leave Lake Stevens after i had sex with her boyfriend (Kent Lake)

      • Lea Nichols10-24-19

        My first time meeting Demri she and i left my highschool to go hang at my House she did not go to my Highschool Lake Stevens was where Kent Lake went. I did not know her yet ,but i heard he was dating some “Model from Florida” she lived down there briefly and did do some type of model training course .Demri wanted to know who her boyfriend had slept with and was going to find out and wanted my help .i was young and easy prey to cute boys and was caught in this odd secret ……she and i hung out and trooped to seattle univerity ave and flirted with all boys that suited our tastes by now she dumped kent lake. And was working at everett mall in clothes store .a blond girl worked there also and Demri began to have crush on her …they dated for a breif time and she wanted to meet a rockstar and said her goal in life was that alone with nothing more .i could go on but it will take time for she had not put any drug abuse in her body aside from booze, pot & cow pie highs that are available in shroom hunts ….she was so fun i started skipping highschool freshman class to a degree that caused my grsdes to suffer severely.

  23. admin02-02-09

    Layne looks pretty amazing in lipstick and mascera I must say..

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