Layne Staley w/ Seventhsign



Layne singing with a local band called Seventhsign. It’s been rumored that this is Demri singing in the video with him but I’m here to tell you.. that’s absolutely not Demri. Period. Just like it’s not Demri on the cover of the Dirt album. Ok, so now that we got that squared away.. enjoy the video. Layne didn’t know the lyrics and was on crutches so it’s pretty classic. Watch! Enjoy!

Layne Staley w/ Seventhsign



(Dirt Album Cover – Not Demri)

Looks like Demri..I believe that was the point but it was just a random model in LA. The recorded the album and shot all the videos and marketing pictures in LA. Demri was in Seattle with me at the time. We went to the Oregon Country Fair that year (summer) and had a blast. 🙂 Good memories.

  1. tanya04-14-12

    redhouse by jimi hendrix

  2. Paula08-05-11

    Layne did not know the lyrics? Anyone know what song is that?

  3. ibdreamy05-09-09

    No, that is not Demri.. (read post above)

  4. cris05-09-09

    it is demri singuing, i dont really know much about her, but that woman singuing next to layne is singuing…yup

  5. topher05-05-09

    lol…i was there at action park. that day..i lived in vernon..and went to school there…cool memories

  6. 90's girl05-02-09

    Oh I just saw you had the Seventhsign video. I can't really blame the Hippy chick I would've dorked out too. She's really obvious though and he totally knows it. And when did Gilbert Godfrey get into the club?

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